Thursday, September 20, 2012

Feline Asthma: That Hacking Cough Might Not be a Hairball

By Franny Syufy, Guide
A severe attack of feline asthma may sometimes be discounted as just another hairball attack, or possibly choking on a bit of food. The cat will cough for awhile, the concerned caregiver will comfort him, then he will appear to be fine. But symptoms like these need to be checked out by a veterinarian, to eliminate asthma. You may be sent home with a bottle of hairball remedy, but if asthma is the diagnosis, you will learn ways of managing it.

What is feline asthma?

Much like human asthma, feline asthma is an allergen-caused upper respiratory condition that causes distressed breathing. It is also called bronchitis or feline bronchial disease. Bronchial spasms cause the individual bronchi to constrict or tighten, and the resultant swelling of surrounding tissues puts the cat into a full-blown asthma attack.
Human victims of asthma will know exactly what an asthma attack feels like, as coughing quickly ensues, in an effort to expel the excess mucous.

What allergens are more likely to trigger an asthma attack in cats?

Again, these are many of the same allergens responsible for human asthma attacks:
  • Smoke
  • Mildew or Mold
  • Household Chemicals
  • Dust
  • Pollens
  • Cat Litter
  • Cold, Moist Air
Asthmatic cats are also subject to exercise-related attacks, and stress can either cause or exacerbate a feline asthma attack. For that reason, you should always try to remain as calm as possible when your cat suffers an attack, because you can "telegraph" your stress to your cat.

How can I recognize an asthma attack in my cat?

Early symptoms may be difficult to detect. You may hear a faint wheezing, which is more audible after vigorous exercise. Your cat may seem to tire easily. Labored breathing may proceed a serious attack.
A full-blown asthma attack may at first resemble a cat trying to cough up a hairball, or possibly choking on food. However, the body posture is somewhat different. With asthma, the cat's body will be hunched lower to the ground and his neck and head will be extended out and down in an effort to clear the airway of mucous. The "gagging" may also be accompanied by a typical coughing sound, and possibly sneezing. The cat may or may not expel foamy mucous.
These serious attacks may not happen frequently, which makes it easy to write them off as "just a hairball." Actually, they can be life-threatening, and a cat in a full-blown attack should be taken to a veterinarian immediately. Even a cat showing one or two of the early symptoms should be examined. Once diagnosed, there are things you can do to help your cat during one of these attacks.

How does the veterinarian diagnose feline asthma?

Other diseases share many of the same symptoms as feline asthma, including Heartworm Associated Respiratory Disease, a serious disease in itself. Your veterinarian will use several diagnostic tests to eliminate those conditions. The most common diagnostic tools are:
  • Blood Tests
    These are the quickest and easiest, and will detect infection, which often accompanies asthmatic bronchitis. They will detect macrophages, esoinophils, neutrophils, and mast cells, which are types of blood cells that help constitute the immune system. And blood work is also useful in eliminating other diseases with the same symptoms.
  • Chest XRay
    Also called a thoracic, xray, it will disclose abnormalities, such as areas of chronic irritation, as caused by infection, a flattened diaphragm, or unusual fluid accumulation. Evidence of heart disease may also be seen. This would not necessarily eliminate asthma, as the two sometimes go hand-in-hand. Your veterinarian may want to send the xray to a specialist for consultation. The xray is done in two stages: Lateral, with the cat on his side, and ventrodorsal,lying on his back with limbs extended out of the way. Although many cats may accede to these positions, others may need a small dose of anesthesia to perform an xray. Otherwise, it is harmless and painless.
  • Bronchoalveolar Lavage
    This is an extremely useful procedure and in itself, perfectly safe. BAL, as it is called, is performed by inserting an endotracheal tube into the trachea under general anasthesia, then fluids present in the airways of the lungs are extracted through this tube for examination.
Aside from asthma, the BAL may diagnose other conditions of the lungs. In a study done in Barcelona of 26 cats, two were found to have Toxoplasma gondii cysts, two showed evidence of carcinoma, and 18 were determined to be related to asthma or infectious bronchitis. The down side of BAL is that it requires a general anesthesia, counter-indicated in a cat with severe respiratory distress.

How is feline asthma managed?

Once your cat is diagnosed with feline asthma, you have several options for treatment, depending on the severity of the case. The first, and most obvious thing you'll need to do is to try to eliminate the environmental allergens that are causing respiratory distress in your cat. Some will be easy; others more complicated or expensive.
  1. Smoke
    If you are one of the dwindling minority of people who smoke, you'll need to do it outdoors in the future. Better yet, consider quitting, for your own health and for all those creatures who share your home. Fireplace smoke can also be a problem for asthmatics. We have not burned our own fireplace for years, but may someday convert it to a gas log version. Scented candles and plug-in air fresheners are particularly bad for both human and feline asthmatics, as is incense.
  2. Mildew and Mold
    These can exist in homes in any climate. Mold can develop in damp basements, crawl spaces, or in steamy areas like bathrooms. Shower curtains and glass bath enclosures are magnets for mildew. Central air ducts are a perfect harboring for mold and mildew spores that float through the air, then are blown throughout the home by the heater or air conditioner. Part of your work here involves deep cleaning. Although it may sound contraindicated, a steam cleaner does a good job of cleaning mold and other allergens from solid surfaces like tile floors, shower enclosures, and walls. Professional services are indicated for cleaning central air ducts.
  3. Dust and Dust Mites
    First, step up your use of the vacuum cleaner. Consider replacing curtains with attractive blinds. Think about hardwood floors or tile instead of wall-to-wall carpeting. Although expensive, Hepa air purifiers are excellent for removing both dust mites and mold spores from the air. If you cannot afford a whole-house installation, or live in a rental, consider a room purifier in the room your cat most frequently occupies.
  4. Household Chemicals
    Try to keep their use to a minimum. Think "Clean Green" for your cats' benefit, your own health, and your home environment. Unfortunately, this includes eschewing most plug-in air fresheners and stove potpourris, which often cause respiratory distress in cats.
  5. Pollens
    Pollens exist almost year-round in my area. A Hepa air purifier will also help clean the air of pollens. During pollen seasons, keep your windows closed, and keep your cat indoors.
  6. Cat Litter
    Because of the dust that rises from clay litters, most of them are anathema to asthmatic cats. Some owners have used Feline Pine with good results, although some cats are allergic to the odor of pine. The same applies to scented silicone crystal litter. You definitely want to stick with unscented litter, and trial and error may be your last resource. Remember that cats are often fussy about litter changes, so introduce the new litter gradually.

What medications will my vet prescribe for my asthmatic cat?

Hopefully, your cat was diagnosed in the early stages of asthma, and not after a panicky trip to the emergency vet clinic in a full-blown asthmatic attack. Depending on the severity of your cat's lung involvement, he most likely will be treated with a combination of a daily steroid, either by inhaler or pill, and a bronchodialator inhaler for use as needed.
Daily Steroid Options
Conventional veterinary practice is the administration of prednisone, in pill form, and spaced out three times a day. It can also be administered with transdermal gel, or through injection. All three of these methods have their drawbacks. The newest form of administration is with a metered dose inhaler, often Flovent, given through a special mask. The Aerokat Feline Aerosol Chamber was developed for this purpose, and is highly regarded by veterinarians who are familiar with it. The advantage of aerosol steroid administration over pills and injections, is that it goes directly into the lungs, rather than throughout the body, thus there are fewer side effects. The web site of Fritz the Brave, has a full section on the use of the Aerokat, including videos demonstrating its use.

The most commonly-prescribed bronchodialator is albuterol, which can also be administered through a feline aerosol container, such as Aerokat. Albuterol is only given as needed, when an asthmatic cat starts coughing and wheezing, and should not be used routinely. Excessive use can actually cause bronchial spasms. If your cat is having more severe attacks than you consider normal, he should be taken back to your veterinarian for reevaluation and possible adjustment of his medications.

As with most feline health issues, the key to successful management of feline asthma is to know your cat well, keep your eyes and ears open for changes in his breathing, give him his medications as prescribed, and get veterinary care when indicated, either routine checkups or emergency intervention.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cats 101: Persian Himalayan

Himalayan Breed

General Description
The Himalayan is a gorgeous cat with the body and coat of a Persian but the color, pattern and stunning dark blue eyes of the Siamese. A man-made breed, it is named for the pointed pattern that is known as Himalayan in many other breeds. It is one of the most popular breeds and comes in a wide array of pointed colors.
Virginia Cobb and Dr. Clyde Keeler began an experimental breeding program in 1931 and produced the first Himalayan kitten named "Newton's Debutante" In the 1950's in Canada Ben Borrett began working on a similar breeding program to create a longhair colorpoint cat. In 1955 GCCF recognized the Himalayan as a Colorpoint Longhair. Marguerita Goforth received permission from a friend to use a longhaired cat with seal point coloring, named "Princess Himalayan Hope, " to begin her breeding program to create a Persian type cat with Siamese markings. She was a major pioneer in getting the Himalayan recognized for Championship and American associations recognized the breed in 1957 as the Himalayan.
The Himalayan is a poised, loving and sweet breed. It is a sedate and affectionate cat, that prefers to cuddle with you rather than climb up your curtains. The Himalayan is responsive to your moods and emotions. They are very intelligent. Some breeders say Himalayans tend to talk more, but nothing like the Siamese. They love to be petted but do not demand attention like some breeds. But if they are not getting enough attention they will let you know with their quiet meows and meaningful looks from their big blue eyes. They also love to play with toys whether it is the most expensive toy or a balled up scrap of paper.
The Himalayan is a medium to large cat with a short cobby body that is equally massive across the shoulders and rump. The head is large, round, and smoothed domed with great breadth of skull that is set on a short, thick neck. They must have perfect tooth occlusion and a strong, well developed chin. The boning should be heavy. The eyes are large, round and set far apart, giving the cat a sweet expression. The nose is short, snub and broad with a break centered between the eyes. The ears are small and rounded at the tip and set far apart and low on the head. Tail should be short and thick, but in proportion to the body. The Himalayan is solid, but not fat, with an overall appearance of soft roundness. The coat is long and flowing and requires constant grooming because of the undercoat that will mat if not groomed. This is a cat that demands a serious time commitment to keep the coat looking lovely and it takes knowledge and practice to do it properly.
The points consisting of the ears, legs, feet, tail and face mask should show the basic color of the cat. The body color should be uniform in color, but subtle shading and darker shaded areas on the coats of older cats is allowed, but there still must be a definite contrast between body color and point color. The Himalayan is accepted in TICA in all colors and divisions.

Stress in Cats

By Franny Syufy, Guide 
Anyone who has suffered stress and anxiety knows the debilitating effects it can have on your health. Stress in cats acts much the same way, and not only can it exacerbate existing physical conditions, but it can lead to a number of problems often considered behavioral, such as litter box avoidance, aggressive behavior, or depression and withdrawal. When behavioral problems suddenly appear, savvy cat owners soon learn to look first for signs of health problems (such as urinary tract infections with litter box avoidance), and next for stress factors, such as changes in the environment.
Although humans relate stress to emotional factors, and those are also seen in feline stress, stress and anxiety in cats can come from other sources, including environmental changes and physical stress. You will find that many of these areas overlap as we explore further. We will look at some of the causes of stress in cats, the symptoms, and how we can help our cat get back on an even keel, for better physical and emotional health.

External Causes of Stress in Cats
Cats do not deal well with change. Even subtle changes in a cat's environment can lead to stress; substantial changes, such as moving, introduction of a new baby, spouse, or other animal to the household, can have devastating effects.
  • New Family Members, Human or Animal: Cats may react in a number of ways to new family members, including aggression, withdrawal, or sudden litter box avoidance, to name a few. By understanding this and planning ahead, the concerned caregiver can help her cat avoid the stress of a sudden introduction, while letting the cat know that he is still "number one" in the family tree. The newcomer needs to allow the cat to come around at his own pace, and to avoid trying to rush the relationship.
  • Moving to a New Residence: Moving calls for care in seeing that your cat's life is disrupted as little as possible. During a local move, it helps to keep him closed off in a separate room with his favorite "blankie," toys, litter box, food and bed, while the rest of the house is moved. Last, bring kitty and all his belongings to the new house or apartment, where you will put him in his own "safe room" while you unpack and rearrange the rest of the household. Having his own things around him will help him understand that he is home. A long distance move is better handled with help. Have one person go ahead to the new residence and set up kitty's safe room. The other will accompany the cat in a carrier with his favorite toy or "blankie," whether by plane, train, or automobile.
  • A New Job: A new job or other change in daily routine should also be handled by planning ahead. A week before starting work, start leaving for the day, for gradually increasing periods of time. Before leaving, hold you cat and tell her, "I'm going to be away for awhile, but I promise to come back to you. I love you and I'll miss you, but we'll have fun together when I return." Upon your return, make a big deal over your cat. Tell her how much you missed her and how good it is to be back home. Carry her around, pet her, and ask her how her day was. By the time your job starts, your kitty will be quite accustomed to your absence during the day, and the two of you will look forward to new bonding experience each night upon your return.
  • Loud Parties and Noises: Holidays are particularly stressful for cats, especially those which focus on fireworks. Large parties with the doorbell constantly ringing, accompanied by loud music, talking, and laughing, will usually send even the most sanguine cat running for cover.
  • The View Through the Window: A discussion of external stressors would not be complete without mentioning re-directed aggression, a sudden and often inexplicable phenomenon which is more common than realized, Re-directed aggression often happens when a household cat is sitting on his favorite perch, gazing out the window. Suddenly he sees a strange cat stroll through his yard. Frustrated because he can't get outside to defend his territory, the cat will suddenly attack the closest being, whether it is another resident cat or a hapless human. Dealing with this form of aggression calls for creative thinking, which includes keeping your cat away from that window or somehow barring his view, while taking steps to discourage the strange cat from further exploration in your yard..