Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tonkinese kitten training for CFA Feline Agility

You've all heard about dog agility competitions, and have thoroughly enjoyed watching the dogs whip through the obstacle courses with determination and speed. It's amazing how they can climb up and down those high steps and race through those weave pole areas with such ease and speed. Now, can you actually imagine a cat lowering its dignity enough to do that? But, of course! Cats are definitely trainable and most are willing to follow a feather or dangling toy anywhere!

Feline agility competitions are rapidly growing in popularity at cat shows around the world. CFA started planning agility competitions late in 2004 and numerous clubs have jumped at the chance to set up an agility course at their cat shows. Exhibitors are standing in line to put their cat through its paces. And spectators are just loving it!
Agility is a pre-entered competition, open to any cat, so a household pet could be the overall winner as easily as could a top winning grand champion or perhaps a litter mate of a grand champion who does not do well in the conformation classes but is a star in the agility class.

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