Saturday, December 29, 2012

Why Cats Groom Themselves So Often ?

By Franny Syufy, Guide

Cats' Saliva
However, cats' licking, biting, or scratching humans can transmit "cat scratch fever,"(Bartonella Henslae) which is a relatively mild infection, but can be more serious in immunocompromised individuals. As such, Bartonella Henslae is considered a Zoonotic Disease.

More Reasons Why Cats Wash Themselves and Others
Cats' sense of smell is fourteen times more powerful than that of humans. Most predators, including cats, track prey through scent. By the same token, cats may mark their territory by leaving scent trails, e.g., spraying with urine or marking with facial pheromones; or try to hide. A mother cat in the wild will try to hide her young kittens by removing evidence of their feeding, i.e. wash herself and them thoroughly after nursing. For the same reason, cats will bury uneaten dead prey in the wild. You may observe that same instinctual behavior when you see a cat scratching at the floor around the food dish after eating.
One of the greatest experts I've ever known of on cats was Paul Gallico (1897-1976). Although Paul's writing career started as a sportscaster, he is probably better remembered as the author of The Poseidon Adventure, which became a blockbuster movie in 1972. Paul had 27 cats of his own, and his intensive study and understanding of their behavior was apparent in his book, "The Abandoned," also known as "Jenny," or "Jenny and Peter." Peter was a young English lad who was struck by a car while running across the street to see a little white cat (Jenny). In his subsequent coma, he dreams that he has turned into a cat and Jenny is teaching him how to do the job properly. "When in Doubt, Wash" describes the daily lessons in grooming, and includes the unforgettable lesson on "Leg O' Mutton." Anyone who has ever observed a cat meticulously washing her hind leg will immediately visualize that position.
When cats groom, their barb-like tongues stimulate the sebacious glands at the base of their hairs, and spread the resultant sebum throughout the hairs. Amy Shojai, former Contributing Writer on Cat Behavior, explains in Cat Grooming that their self grooming also helps rid the coat of dirt and parasites such as fleas. Further, since cats do not have sweat glands, their saliva somewhat helps them cool down on hot days.

When Cat Grooming Becomes Obsessive
Grooming to excess is often an obsessive-compulsive behavior, when it leads to bald patches and skin sores. In such cases the hair loss is called "psychogenic alopecia."
Cats' Ultimate Way of Showing Affection
  • Vomiting Undigested Food
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Lack of Appetite

When I read the popular Book, "A Street Cat Named Bob," by James Bowen, I was taken aback by a comment he made that "cats' saliva also contains an antiseptic." As that was a new concept to me, I decided to do some research on cats' saliva, and one thing led to another, because cats' propensity for cleanliness is almost legendary.
While most dogs require frequent bathing, most cats (except purebred show cats) rarely do. They do an excellent job of keeping themselves clean, an enjoyable task taught to them practically from birth by their mothers. Actually, the queen's first job after giving birth is to remove the amniotic sac, then lick the kitten with her rough tongue to help stimulate its breathing. Later, when the kitten begins nursing, she will give the kitten's anus a "tongue massage" to help stimulate a bowel movement.
Is Cat Saliva Really Antiseptic?
The question really should be "is saliva antiseptic?" Actually, recent studies in The Netherland shave found certain histatins (proteins) in human saliva have healing qualities. There is so much speculation about dog saliva that it is dizzying. However, I like Dr. Marty Becker's take on canine saliva - that it is not antibacterial, but dogs' licking their wounds is healing for another reason. As quoted by ABC 20/20, he says "And they'll be licking that wound and you'll notice that the wound heals very fast … what that tongue does is it gets rid of the dead tissue."
It would make sense that cats' licking of their own wounds would operate much the same way as dogs. On the other hand, one article by Jennifer Viegas for The Daily Cat considers the possibility that certain enzymes in cats' saliva turns it into a "natural antibiotic."
When Cat Saliva Turns to Drooling
Drooling can sometimes be a sign of intense happiness in a cat. However, the odor of bad breath when a cat drools is a warning sign of dental disease, most likely peridontal disease. My son is a patient in a V.A. Hospital in Sacramento. When I drove him there on Thanksgiving Day, the first sight to greet us was a gorgeous rusty black cat sitting in the sun in front of one of the buildings. Midnight was one of four or more semi-feral cats who live on the grounds. They have a symbiotic relationship with many of the patients there. The cats provide therapy, and the patients provide food and love.
Several days after we arrived, a series of major storms, dubbed the "Pineapple Express" because they originated in Hawaii, hit our area. Lance was shocked to see that Midnight was sleeping in a cardboard box with only a plastic bag underneath. I ordered a Petmate Kitty Kat Condo "igloo" and a self-warming mat to be delivered, and Midnight is now sheltered and warm.
She and Lance have become friends, and she allows him to pet her and groom her. The first thing Lance noticed is that her breath smells very bad - a sure sign something is going on in her mouth, most likely Gingivitis and/or Stomatitis. We're currently working on getting Midnight some veterinary dental care, as well as testing for FIV and FeLV. She appears to be at least ten years old, and is too precious to Lance and the other veterans to lose now.
As discussed earlier, cats wash their injuries to cleanse the wounds, and possibly to prevent infection. Mother cats also clean their newborn kittens to remove the amniotic sac to stimulate breathing, and later, to stimulate a bowel movement.
To Hide Scent From Predators
When in Doubt, Wash
I've observed that cats use self-washing as a sort of therapy to cover a multitude of emotions, including embarrassment. In case you doubt that cats can feel embarrassed, try laughing at a cat someday when he misjudges a leap, or crashes into furniture. Usually an embarrassed cat will at first stalk away from the laughter in anger, then find a private place where he will thoroughly wash away that shameful memory. Chances are that if you find him, sit next to him and apologize, he will turn his washing to you. Amy Shojai, quoted below, describes this therapeutic grooming as a "displacement behavior" which helps cats deal with conflict. She writes, "Perhaps the touch-sensation has a direct effect on the brain chemistry or neurologic impulses that make the distressed cat feel better. In other words, self-grooming may be self-medicating with a feline form of Prozac."
To Groom and Lubricate the Coat and Skin
Cats' overgrooming is often caused by stress, and may be likened to humans' habit of biting their nails to the quick. Amy Shojai wrote a fine article on How to Stop Cat Over-Grooming, which explains the causes and situations in which cats might start overgrooming. She points out a fact we're all familiar with: that cats intensely dislike change of any kind. A new baby, a death in the family, even the rearranging of furniture, could be the trigger for this obsessive grooming. Physical causes might include flea bites or ringworm, so it is necessary to rule those out before diagnosing psychogenic alopecia.
A Less Harmful Obsessive Overgrooming
Cats who were taken away from their mothers at a very early age were not allowed the normal weaning period, and will often self-groom by licking or sucking. My senior cat, Jaspurr, who was taken from his mother when he was only six 1/2 weeks old, has never outgrown nursing his own left front foot. Although he and his brother, Joey, were eating canned food at that point, they had not been completely weaned. Today, Whenever I sit on the living room sofa, Jaspurr will lie next to me and suckle his foot, while kneeding my thigh with his sharp claws, all the while purring like a contented kitten. I worried the first year that he would get skin sores, but that has never happened, and he does give himself a decent "toweling" with his rough tongue when he finishes. It is comforting to Jaspurr and I enjoy our companionship at day's end, so I wouldn't attempt to stop his little habit after all these years.
In section 1, We briefly covered the way mother cats wash and groom their kittens, until the kittens learn to groom themselves. However, even male cats engage in the grooming of other cats, usually younger ones, but not always.
Over the years, I've observed many of my cats engaged in patient, loving grooming of their housemates. Our white cat, Arthur, who was spayed and never had kittens of her own, used to "adopt" new kittens in the family. She would lovingly groom them and "mother" them until they reached that certain age, then would turn on them like the proverbial wicked stepmother.
Bubba "adopted" Jaspurr when he was but a kitten - groomed him, slept with him, and let Jaspurr follow him around. As Jaspurr and Bubba grew older, Bubba gradually abdicated his alpha cat status in favor of Jaspurr. By the time Bubba passed on in December of 2005, Jaspurr was the acknowledged alpha cat, and, as depicted in the accompanying photo, he had already "adopted" little Billy, and also inherited the legacy of grooming him, not only physically, but possibly to eventually yield his role of leadership of our pride to him.
Cats Grooming of Humans
Rare is the human cat parent who hasn't been groomed by a cat. I've had that (sometimes dubious) pleasure many times over the years. My Jennifur, aka Jenny, a dilute calico DSH, loves to groom me, both while sitting on my lap while I'm at my computer, and while lying next to me in the bed we share at night. Jenny will meticulously wash my hand with her rough tongue, then sometimes climb to the top of the pillow and start grooming my hair. Sometimes she will grasp a strand of it in her teeth and yank at it, and if I try to resist, she will grab the sides of my head with her needle-sharp claws until I yelp with pain.
Or while on my lap in our office, she will give me a hand massage with her tongue. Quite often this is a trade-off, because she will then push her head under my palm, expecting a pet or two. I always accommodate her. However, if I'm slow in complying, she will sneak in a little knuckle nip with her teeth, purring all the while. Clearly, I need to assert parental control at these times. I should start by trimming her claws, because I know her intent is not to hurt. By treating me this way, she is reversing the mother-child relationship during these grooming periods.
A Little Help From Their Friends
All this grooming not only accomplishes cleaning of the fur with saliva, but a side effect is removing the loose hairs. Unfortunately, these hairs often are swallowed, which produces the inevitable hairball. Hairballs are often regurgitated quickly, or sometimes immediately after eating. You'll readily recognize hairballs, as they are cigar-shaped, packed with fur, sometimes glued together with partially digested food. Unfortunately, if the hairballs do not come up, they flow down through the digestive tract, where they can cause an impaction, a veterinary emergency. Although hairballs might be prevented by using some hairball formula cat foods, high-fiber supplements, or giving cats anti-hairball products such as Laxatone, once they meet the impaction stage, a trip to a veterinary emergency clinic is indicated. Symptoms of impaction:
The Best Hairball Prevention is Brushing or Combing
Regular brushing or combing to rid your cat of loose hairs is by for the best way of preventing those nasty hairballs. A distinct side advantage is the bonding time together, as most cats enjoy being brushed, once they are accustomed to it. I'd suggest a minimum of three or four brushing engagements a week for short-haired cats, and daily or even twice-daily for longhair cats or short hair cats with dense undercoats. Although there are a number of brushes and combs on the market, my all-time favorite is the Furminator Deshedding Tool. It comes in differents sizes and configurations, and I have three of them, disbursed throughout the house so there is always one ready at hand.
The complete story about cats' frequent grooming is yet to be written. Some aspects, such as scientific studies of cat saliva, are still being done. I'm sure more studies are being done on the topic of hairballs, their prevention and potential treatments to prevent intestinal blockage. We cat owners can learn a lot more by observation of cats while they are grooming themselves and other cats or their humans. You are your cats' first line of defense for physical problems, and I urge you to observe and make note of any unusual behavior in your own cats. It will help them, and it will also help your veterinarian when they need medical treatment.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Ten Tips for a Poison-Safe Household

by Jill A. Richardson, DVM (Veterinary Poison Information Specialist, ASPCA/National Animal Poison Control Center).

  1. Be aware of the plants you have in your house and in your yard, if your cat is permitted outside (CFA advocates cats being kept indoors at all times). The ingestion of azalea, oleander, easter lily, or yew plant material by a cat could be fatal.   
  2. When cleaning your house, never allow your cat access to the area where cleaning agents are used or stored. Cleaning agents have a variety of properties; from those that could just irritate the gastrointestinal tract to those that have a corrosive action and can chemically burn the sensitive mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach.   
  3. When using rat or mouse baits, ant or roach traps, or snail and slug baits, place the products in areas that are inaccessible to your cats. Most baits contain sweet smelling inert ingredients, which can be very attractive to your cat.   
  4. Never give your cat any medications unless under the directions of veterinarian. Many medications that are used safely in humans can be deadly when used inappropriately. One extra strength acetominophen tablet (500mg) can kill a 7 pound cat.  
  5. Keep all prescription and over the counter drugs out of reach of your cats. Pain killers, cold medicines, anti-cancer drugs, antidepressants, and diet pills are common examples of human medication that could be potentially lethal even in small dosages. Only one half of a 200mg naproxen tablet could cause stomach ulcers in cats.   
  6. Never leave chocolates unattended. Approximately one half ounce of baking chocolate per pound body weight or less can cause clinical signs of toxicity.   
  7. Many common household items have been shown to be lethal in certain species, including felines. Miscellaneous items that are highly toxic even in low quantities include pennies (high concentration of zinc), mothballs (contain naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene - one or two balls can be life threatening in most species), potpourri oils, fabric softener sheets, automatic dish detergents (contain cationic detergents which could cause corrosive lesions), batteries (contain acids or alkali which can also cause corrosive lesions), homemade play dough (contains high quantity of salt), winter heat source agents like hand or foot warmers (contain high levels of iron), cigarettes, coffee grounds, and alcoholic drinks.   
  8. All automotive products such as oil, gasoline, and antifreeze should be stored in areas away from cat access. As little as one teaspoon of antifreeze (ethylene glycol) can be deadly in a 7lb cat.   
  9. Before buying or using flea products on your cat or in your household, contact your veterinarian to discuss what types of flea products she/he would recommend for your pet. Read ALL information before using a product on your cat or in your home. Always follow label instructions. When a product is labeled "for use in dogs only" this means that the product should NEVER be applied to cats. When using a fogger or a house spray, make sure to remove all cats from the area for the time period specified on the container.   
  10. When treating your lawn or garden with fertilizers, herbicides, or insecticides, always keep your cats away from the area until the area dries completely. Discuss usage of products with the manufacturer of the products to be used. Always store such products in an area that will ensure no cat exposure.

CFA's Top 25 Cats in Championship - 2012

THE RENO CAT SHOW 6 Rings, 3 Days, 1 Costume Contest.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Ngantuk.... Lykasal new born

Penyakit Kulit Pada Kucing

Parasit pada hewan sebenarnya terbagi dua golongan yaitu ektoparasit dan endoparasit. Golongan parasit yang hidup di dalam tubuh seperti cacing, disebut endoparasit, Sedangkan yang hidup di tubuh bagian luar seperti di kulit dan bulu disebut ektoparasit. Berikut ini beberapa macam ektoparasit pada kucing :

Pinjal (Flea)
Pinjal inilah yang sering terdapat pada kucing dan paling sering disebut kutu kucing.  Pinjal berukuran kecil 1-2 mm, berwarna coklat tua atau hitam, tubuh pipih, suka meloncat-loncat, sering terlihat di sela rambut kucing dan yang pasti gigitannya minta ampun gatalnya. Pinjal Kucing, dilihat dengan mikroskop pembesaran 6 X. Cara membasmi kutu dilakukan dengan cara:

  1. Suntikan Ivermectin. Banyak orang salah kaprah menyebut suntikan ivermectin adalah suntikan anti jamur. Sebenarnya ivermectin tidak dapat membasmi jamur. Ivermectin dapat dipergunakan untuk membasmi cacing dan ektoparasit seperti kutu (pinjal, caplak dan tungau). Sepertihalnya obat lain, ivermectin hanya membunuh cacing/kutu dewasa, tidak membunuh telurnya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan setidaknya 3 kali suntikan ivermectin dengan jarak 3-4 minggu. Injeksi ivermectin harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati pada kucing umur kurang dari 4 bulan *. Suntikan ivermectin tidak dianjurkan pada anak kucing berumur kurang dari 2 bulan, karena dapat menyebabkan keracunan dan mengganggu perkembangan ginjal. Pemberian obat-obatan apapun (termasuk ivermectin) untuk jangka panjang, sangat tidak dianjurkan. Oleh karena itu, idealnya ivermectin diberikan bila ditemukan kutu atau telur kutu atau bila disarankan dokter hewan anda.
  2. Obat Tetes & Spray. Ada banyak obat tetes & spray anti kutu yang di jual di petshop-petshop, seperti Accurate, Revolution dan Frontline. Perhatikan aturan pakai setiap obat, biasanya obat-obatan tersebut tidak dianjurkan digunakan pada kucing dibawah umur 2 bulan. Obat tetes biasanya diteteskan di kulit pangkal kepala di bagian belakang, dimana kucing tidak bisa menjilat bagian tersebut. Obat tetes Frontline cukup efektif membasmi kutu/pinjal selama 1 bulan. Agar tuntas sebaiknya diulang 1 bulan kemudian. Untuk pencegahan, pemberian obat tetes dapat dilakukan 2-3 kali setahun.
  3. Shampoo anti kutu. Shampoo anti kutu cocok digunakan pada anak kucing berumur kurang dari dua bulan yang belum dapat diobati anti kutu lainnya. Beberapa pemilik kucing dewasa juga lebih menyukai cara ini karena selain dapat membasmi kutu/pinjal, juga membuat kucing lebih bersih. Pada saat memandikan, sebaiknya shampoo digunakan dua kali. Basahi rambut kucing secara merata, tambahkan shampoo secara merata, bersihkan dan bilas dengan air (air hangat). Kemudian setelah bersih tambahkan kembali shampoo, ratakan, biarkan+ 5-10 menit baru kemudian dibersihkan. Setelah bersih keringkan dengan handuk dan hairdryer. Agar tuntas sebaiknya mandi shampoo anti kutu diulang dua minggu kemudian. Setelah itu, untuk tujuan pencegahan, pemberian shampoo dapat dilakukan 1 bulan sekali. Pada kasus parah disertai komplikasi, diperlukan kombinasi beberapa cara sekaligus. Dan yang tidak kalah penting adalah membersihkan kandang, lantai dan tempat tidur kucing. Karena telur kutu bisa saja terdapat di sela-sela kandang, retakan lantai atau alas tidur kucing.

Tungau (Mite & Lice)
Tungau yang sering menyerang kucing ada beberapa macam dengan gejala yang mirip. Beberapa tungau yang menginfeksi telinga disebut ear mite, ada yang menyebabkan kulit terkelupas seperti ketombe, dan ada juga yang hidup di bawah kulit seperti demodex dan scabies. Tungau berwarna putih atau krem, karena ukurannya yang kecil agak sulit dilihat dengan mata biasa. Tungau (mite) dilihat dengan mikroskop . Ear mite/tungau telinga adalah sejenis kutu yang sering menyerang telinga kucing. Spesies tungau yang sering menyerang telinga kucing adalah Otodectes cynotis. Tungau  ini biasanya hidup dipermukaan saluran telinga tetapi bisa juga ditemukan di bagian tubuh yang lain. Meskipun jarang, tungau ini dapat menyerang manusia dan menyebabkan rasa gatal.  Tungau telinga yang menyerang telinga kucing dalam jangka waktu lama (kronis), dapat menyebabkan gangguan telinga yang serius. Ear mite bergerak dan hidup di dalam saluran telinga. Tungau ini  hidup dengan memakan jaringan yang mati dan cairan seperti lilin yang dikeluarkan oleh telinga. Tungau ini dapat menyebabkan iritasi dan berlanjut menjadi infeksi.

Iritasi dan infeksi yang berlangsung terus menerus dan berulang-ulang dapat menyebabkan kuit di saluran teinga menebal. Akibatnya saluran teinga menyempit sehingga fungsi pendengaran sedikit terganggu. Biasanya tungau telinga tidak menyebabkan rusaknya gendang  telinga. Tetapi adanya infeksi sekunder yang disebabkan bakteri atau jamur dapat menyebabkan kerusakan selaput gendang telinga. Bila ini terjadi, infeksi telinga bagian tengah yang parah dapat juga terjadi. Akibatnya hewan kehilangan keseimbangan,disorientasi dan gangguan syaraf lainnya. Tanda-tanda kucing terserang ear mite: 
  • Menggoyang-goyangkan /menggeleng-gelengkan kepala. 
  • Mencakar/menggaruk telinga sehingga terihat adanya luka atau kemerahan di sekitar telinga.
  • Kotoran telinga berwarna coklat tua kehitaman, kering menyerupai serbuk kopi. Kadang-kadang terihat kerak-kerak kering di sekitar telinga  bagian dalam.
  • Ditemukan adanya ear mite.

Ear mite berpindah dari inang satu ke inang lain melalui kontak fisik. Ear mite berasal dari hewan/kucing lain yang hidup bersama kucing anda. Karena ear mite mudah sekali menulai melalui kontak fisik, maka pengobatan ear mite harus dilakukan menyeluruh terhadap semua kucing yang hidup bersama di rumah anda. Ear mite sangat menular di antara anjing dan kucing. Ada beberapa spesies ear mite yang lebih suka menyerang anjing tetapi ada juga yang bisa menyerang keduanya. Anak kucing dapat tertular ear mite dari induknya. Ear mite juga dapat menyerang kelinci, hamster, marmut, gerbil, musang, mencit, tikus, dll. Meskipun kadang dapat  menyebabkan sedikit rasa gatal pada kulit manusia, ear mite tidak menular & menyebabkan penyakit  kepada manusia. Ear mite dalam telinga sangat mengganggu, terasa gatal dan mengiritasi telinga. Lebih  lanjut dapat terjadi  infeksi. Infeksi telinga yang tidak segera ditangani dapat berlanjut menjadi berbagai penyakit serius, bahkan hilangnya kemampuan pendengaran. Ear mite juga kadang dapat hidup di bagian tubuh lain selain telinga dan menyebabkan penyakit kulit.

Saat ini berbagai obat suntik dan obat tetes telinga untuk membasmi ear mite telah banyak tersedia. Obat suntik (hanya di Dokter hewan) biasanya merupakan golongan avermectin (ivermectin, selamectin, dll). Supaya siklus hidup tungau dapat dihentikan, pemberian obat-obatan suntik ini harus diulang dua minggu kemudian. Berbagai merk  obat tetes telinga pembasmi ear mite dapat dibeli di petshop-petshop. Obat tetes ini harus terus menerus diberikan selama 2-4 minggu hingga semua ear mite terbasmi. Kekurangan obat tetes telinga adalah bila ear mite menyebar ke bagian tubuh lain, diperlukan obat lain untuk daerah tersebut. Beberapa obat anti ektoparasit yang ditetes di punggung/pangkal leher juga dapat digunakan untuk membasmi ear mite. Contoh obat-obatan jenis ini adalah revolution (mengandung selamectin) frontline (mengandung fipronil). Tetap perlu diperhatikan waktu pemberian ulang obat-obatan tersebut tersebut agar siklus hidup ear mite dapat dihentikan. Semua kucing atau hewan lain  (seperti kelinci, marmut, hamster, musang) yang hidup bersama atau kontak fisik dengan kucing juga harus diobati. Supaya tidak terjadi infeksi ulang dari hewan lain dan ear mite dapat benar-benar tuntas terbasmi. 

Caplak (Tick)
Kutu jenis ini sering sekali terlihat di anjing, dan jarang terlihat pada kucing. Ukuran caplak relatif besar, sekitar 0.3 - 1 cm. berbentuk gepeng dengan proporsi badan lebih besar daripada kepala, berwarna coklat tua atau hitam. Bila telah kenyang menyedot darah, badan caplak akan bengkak dan membulat.

* Lewis DT, Merchant SR, Neer TM. Ivermectin toxicosis in a kitten. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1994 Aug 15;205(4):584-6.
 * Drh. Neno WS

Seputar Ivomec (Ivermectin)

Dari Drh. Neno WS

Ivomec (Ivermectin) bukanlah obat anti jamur dan tidak boleh diberikan pada hewan muda berumur kurang dari 2 bulan dan harus sangat hati-hati diberikan pada kucing berumur kurang dari 4 bulan karena sifat obat yang dapat merusak hati dan ginjal. Salah kaprah seperti ini masih sering terjadi.  Ivomec (ivermectin) adalah obat yang termasuk golongan macrolide avermectin. Obat ini digunakan untuk memberantas parasit, baik itu ektoparasit (kutu, pinjal, caplak, tungau, dll) atau endoparasit (cacing).

Ivermectin bekerja dengan cara meningkatkan pelepasan Gamma Amino Butiric Acid (GABA) di sistem syaraf serangga dan otot polos cacing. GABA berfungsi memblokir impuls syaraf, akibatnya terjadi kegagalan sistem syaraf pada parasit (parasit seperti cacing dan kutu menjadi lumpuh). Ivermectin mempunyai waktu paruh yang lama, artinya obat ini termasuk lama berada di dalam tubuh. Sepertihalnya obat-obatan dan racun lain, semua bahan kimia tersebut dipecah di hati dan dibuang melalui ginjal atau feces. Karena ivermectin dipecah di hati dan dibuang melalui ginjal, sebaiknya tidak diberikan pada hewan sebelum berumur 8 minggu. Organ hati dan ginjal hewan muda belum sepenuhnya berkembang. Pemberian obat-obatan yang berlebihan ditakutkan akan mempengaruhi perkembangan organ tersebut.

Jamur (kapang, mold)
Jamur adalah organisme multisel yang banyak tumbuh di tempat dengan kelembaban tinggi. Karena tidak mempunyai sistem syaraf seperti hewan dan strukturnya selnya, organisme ini lebih menyerupai tumbuhan. Jadi salah besar bila ivermectin dianggap sebagai anti jamur, karena jamur tidak mempunyai sistem syaraf yang merupakan target kerja ivermectin.

Pada beberapa kasus, penyakit kulit pada hewan bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa macam penyebab sekaligus, seperti : alergi, luka, bakteri, ektoparasit dan jamur. Jamur adalah penyakit yang paling lama perkembangannya dibandingkan penyebab yang lain dan biasanya berkembang pada bagian yang telah lemah akibat lebih dahulu terinfeksi oleh penyebab yang lainnya. Pada kasus ini bisa saja jamur hilang setelah daya tahan tubuh kembali meningkat karena penyebab lain yang lebih ganas seperti ektoparasit telah musnah oleh ivermectin. Tetapi tetap saja ivermectin bukanlah anti jamur.

Serangan Tungau/kutu mempunyai gejala yang mirip dengan infeksi jamur, yaitu terlihat adanya kemerahan, kulit berkerak dan kering menyerupai ketombe dan kerontokan bulu. Jadi jika setelah diberi suntikan ivermectin  (yang sering salah kaprah disebut sebagai suntik jamur) kucing anda sembuh, berarti kucing anda terserang tungau/kutu. kalau tidak sembuh juga berarti kucing anda benar-benar kena jamur.

YumeNekoSmile:RoboCat = robot kucing imoet masadepan

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Littermaid One-Step Litterbox

Cat Litter box of the future

Litter Genie Cat Litter Disposal System

Litter disposal systems are a preferable alternative to using free plastic or paper grocery bags for collecting and disposing of cat litter box waste. More important, the easier cleaning of litter box waste can go a long way in helping prevent cystitis, a serious urinary tract condition. Cystitis is also one of the top causes for litter box avoidance in cats, as they relate the pain of urinating with the litter box.

Cystitis Definition:

Cystitis in cats (aka interstitial cystitis) is a lower urinary tract condition related to FLUTD, which can stem from several different causes:
  • Infection 
    Infection can be primary, or a result of stones or crystals.
  • Crystals in the Urethra or Bladder
    If the urethra (the tube between the bladder and the opening to the outside) is blocked with crystals, urine will back up in the bladder, which is considered a veterinary emergency. If the bladder forms stones next to the ureters (the tube that leads from the kidneys to the bladder), the kidneys will not be able to process the toxins efficiently, the toxins will go into the blood stream, and a cat can die quite quickly. Several years ago, we almost lost our cat, Bubba who was an indoor-outdoor cat. Since he left his excrement outside, we did not observe the symptoms of cystitis, until he became quite lethargic. When we saw the nictitating membrane (aka nictating membrane), we recognized the emergency and took him to our veterinarian immediately, where he remained for over a week.
  • Stress
    Although stress may not be a cause, it can certainly exacerbate the cystitis. *Currently, studies are being done to determine if cycsitis in cats is the same disease as interstitial cystitis in humans. Anyone who has ever suffered from this bladder condition will recognize that stress and cystitis can create a full circle, making it difficult to treat.
Cystitis and corresponding FLUTD may be prevented by a change of diet. Either raw or canned food is preferable. If a dry food is recommended by your veterinarian, be sure the cat has a source of fresh, clean water available at all times - preferably with an automatic water fountain.

How to Prevent Litter Box Problems

Under normal conditions, your cat will like to use her litter box. Changes in your cat's litter box behavior can almost always be traced to a medical condition, stress, or something she dislikes about her litter box environment. If your cat suddenly stops using the litter box, don't fall for the fallacy that she is just being stubborn, or that she is "missing the box" out of spite. Fortunately, a little know-how and preventive maintenance can greatly reduce the chance of litter box problems.
But First:
  • Never punish or yell at your cat for not using her litter box; that only makes things worse. Likewise, picking up a cat and throwing it in the litter box will only cause more box avoidance.
  • Any acute or prolonged signs of litter box difficulties, such as urinating more frequently, avoiding the litter box, or straining, could indicate an urgent medical condition; call your vet right away.
The Perfect Litter Box Environment
  • Provide Enough Litter Boxes. The ideal recommended number is one box per cat, and one extra. Since many cats don't like to pee and poop in the same box, I'd recommend having at least two litter boxes for one cat. At times, I've actually had six boxes for three cats.
  • Location. Put the litter box in a pleasant location: easy to access, away from noisy or high-traffic areas, out of the dog's and baby's reach. Some cats, especially older or handicapped cats, prefer a litter box on each floor of the house. Beware of putting the litter box directly on soft carpet; for some cats, the adjacent carpet feels like litter. Use a minimum of one litter box per cat.
  • Litter. Every cat has a favorite litter - work with your cat to find out her preference. When in doubt, start with an unscented clumping litter. Although the jury's still out on this, if you have a kitten, you may want to avoid clumping litters that contain sodium bentonite. Keep kitty's box filled with about two inches of litter, unless directed otherwise by the package. When changing litters, do it gradually over several days, or fill a second box with the new litter.
  • Type of box. Some cats don't care for covered litter boxes. If you use a covered box, remember to scoop and clean often, as odors can be trapped inside. Some cat owners like automatic-cleaning litter boxes, others don't. As with litter, your cat will help guide you in your selection.
  • Clean! Scoop clumping litter at least once a day, other litters as directed. Wash the litter box and replace the litter weekly. Use a mild soap and rinse well. An occasional 1-part-in-10 bleach solution is fine if you rinse thoroughly. Stay away from ammonia and citrus-scented or strong-smelling cleaners.
  • Routine. Once you and kitty find a system that you're both comfortable with, "stay the course."

Litter Genie Cat Litter Disposal System

  1. Litter GenieTM has a smaller footprint than the Petmate Litter Locker Plus, which I previously reviewed reviewed.
  2. The price is right; compared again with the Litter Locker, the initial unit is priced at $15 - approximately one quarter of the going price for the Litter Locker.
  3. Built-in carrying handles front and back, enable the user to carry the Litter Locker from room to room, as needed.
  4. I could detect absolutely no odor with the top lid closed, even if waste was in the top holder and not yet dumped below. The Litter Genie website refers to these odor-free properties as "five-layer refill bags with built-in odor barrier technology"
  5. The Litter Genie was relatively easy to assemble, taking me less than five minutes.
  1. As with many products today, the accessories (in the case of Litter Genie, the refill cartridge), quickly add up to many times the original cost of the entire unit.
  2. The "child-safe" built-in bag cutter doesn't work well. I ended up having to use scissors to cut the end of the bag all the way through.


  • What's In The Box
    The Litter Genie Unit with a built-in scoop holder, a litter scoop, and the standard Litter Genie refill cartridge, containg 14 feet of the refill bag material.
  • Size and Weight:
    The unit measures 9.5 X 8.5 X 17 Inches Tall, and weighs 3.3. pounds (empty, I presume).
  • Comes in two colors: white or silver.
  • The Litter Genie website claims that one refill cartridge can last up to two months for one cat.
    The refill cartridge is said to be 30% longer than the standard cartridge that comes in the box with the Litter Genie.

Litter Genie Plus VS Litter Locker Plus

It is impossible to keep from comparing the Litter Genie with the earlier Petmate Litter Locker Plus. The beauty of the Litter Genie is that its developers observed the problems inherent with the mechanical workings of the Litter Locker bag-changing system, and created a much simpler way of exchanging the filled bag with a new, empty one.
The process is so simple, even a child can do it. One reviewer said her eight year old child was able to read the instructions and change the bag in five minutes, about the same time it took me. Go figure.
The Instructions Which Accompany the Litter Locker
  1. "Pull the refill's plastic tab and remove the outer rim."
  2. "Pull about one foot of the plastic film out of the refill. Then push down the film through the center of the rim and tie a knot at the bottom"
  3. "Open the lid and funnel and sit the refill on top of the unit. Pull the handle and push the film through the pail."
  4. Close the funnel -- it's designed to fit snugly into the refill -- and close the lid."
Worked for me, and the product does indeed keep the whole house free of obvious "cat odor."

In Contrast, the Litter Locker Plus

Frankly, my experiences with the original Litter Locker eventually became so frustrating that I ended up dumping it altogether. First, the replacement bag cartridges became overly expensive. Worse, the cost was exacerbated by the fact that turning the handle just wrapped the bag around and around the interior handle itself. The problem apparently had to do with the direction in which the replacement bag was originally threaded around the handle, but I was never able to figure it out, despite studying all the diagrams over and over.
After reading other reviews on Amazon complaining of the same problem, I finally found one review which suggested simply eliminating the handle entirely, thus allowing the bag to unfold straight down to the bottom of the tank. The problem with this approach was that if I forgot to tie off and cut the bag soon enough, it became too full and heavy, causing the bag to break open and spill. After about the third time this happened, I put all the parts back in and gave the Litter Locker to a friend who does cat rescue. I wish her luck with that product!

The Bottom Line

Would I encourage a friend to purchase the Litter Genie? Well, while writing this review, I purchased a second unit for my bedroom, which I share with Jenny.
I'll soon purchase another one for the large litter box which is shared by our three male cats. I consider my own purchase of three of the same product to be the highest recommendation I can give.
Source: By Franny Syufy, Guide

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rahasia Penciptaan Kucing


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  Mata kucing merupakan salah satu bukti kesempurnaan Allah dalam penciptaan. Allah telah menciptakan mata kucing dengan pengaturan dan letak yang sesuai dengan makhluknya. Di salah satu ayat, Allah berfirman tentang kesempurnaan ciptaannya.

Dia–lah Allah yang menciptakan, yang mengadakan, yang membentuk rupa, Dia memiliki nama – nama yang indah, apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi bertasbih kepada – Nya. Dan Dialah yang Maha perkasa lagi Maha bijaksana. ( QS. Al – Hasyr 24 )

Penglihatan malam kucing sangat kuat
Kucing dapat dengan mudah membedakan warna hijau, biru dan merah. Walaupun begitu, kelebihan sebenarnya dari mata kucing adalah agar dapat melihat di malam hari. Kelopak mata kucing terbuka di malam hari, ketika terkena sedikit cahaya, lapisan mata yang disebut iris membuat pupil mata membesar ( hamper 90% mata ) sehingga mereka lebih mudah melihat cahaya. Di saat mendapat cahaya yang lebih terang, system bekerja berlawanan untuk melindungi retina, pupil mengecil dan berubah menjadi garis tipis.

Ada sebuah lapisan yang tidak terdapat pada mata manusia. Lapisan ini berada di belakang retina, berfungsi sebagai penerima cahaya. Ketika cahaya jatuh di lapisan ini langsung di pantulkan kembali, cahaya lewat dua kali melalui retina. Oleh karena itu, kucing dapat melihat dengan mudah di saat cahaya hanya sedikit. Bahkan di saat gelap, di saat mata manusia tidak dapat melihat. Lapisan ini juga lah yang menyebabkan kenapa mata kucing bersinar di malam hari.

Lapisan ini disebut Kristal tapetum lucidum yang dapat memantulkan cahaya. Berkat kistal ini, cahaya yang jatuh di belakang mata di pantulkan kembali ke retina. Beberapa cahaya yang di pantulkan kembali ke lensa, sehingga mata bersinar. Berkat struktur ini, jumlah cahaya yang diterima mata meningkat sehingga bisa melihat dalam kegelapan. Oleh Karena itu, kucing bias melihat lebih baik dalam gelap.  Ini bukanlah bentuk dari bio-luminescence, sebab binatang tidak menghasilkan cahanya, melainkan hasil dari pemantulan.

Alasan lain kenapa kucing bisa melihat dalam gelap juga karena adanya sel–sel batang yang lebih banyak di bandingkang sel–sel kerucut di retina mereka. Sebagaimana kita ketahui, sel – sel batang hanya sensitive pada cahaya. Mereka membentuk bayangan hitam atau putih tergantung dari cahaya yang datang dari objek, tetapi mereka sangat sensitive walau hanya dengan sedikit cahaya.

Berkat sel–sel batang ini, kucing dapat berburu dengan mudah di malam hari. Seperti kita lihat, Allah menciptakan struktur mata yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan nutrisi yang mereka butuhkan. Mata kucing memiliki struktur dan karakteristik yang berbeda sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Ini adalah salah satu contoh dari hasil ciptaan Allah. Hasil ciptaan Allah yang unik ini terbukti dalam salah satu ayat:

Pencipta langit dan bumi, ketika Dia ingin menciptakan sesuatu, maka Dia hanya berkata “jadilah”, maka jadilah ia. ( QS. Al – Baqara 117 )

Bola mata kucing lebih besar
Selain kemampuan melihat di malam hari, bola mata kucing juga lebih besar di bandingkan yang dimiliki manusia. Jika bidang penglihatan manusia hanya sampai 160 derajat, kucing dapat dengan mudah hingga 187 derajat. Dengan karakteristik ini, mereka dapat dengan mudah melihat ancaman yang ada. Ini adalah contoh karakteistik lain dari hasil ciptaan Allah dengan bentuk yang berbeda. Sebagaimana di katakana di dalam Al – Qur’an, kaakteristik ini adalah pelajaran bagi orang – orang yang beriman ;

Dan sungguh, pada hewan ternak itu terdapat pelajaran bagimu…( QS. An – Nahl 66 )

Struktur mata kucing berbeda dengan manusia
Pada mata kucing, terdapat membran ketiga yang disebut “nictitating  membrane”. Membran ini transparan, dan bergerak dari satu bagian mata ke bagian yang lainnya. Sebagai contoh, kucing dapat mengedipkan mata mereka tanpa harus menutup semuanya. Membran ketiga ini memungkinkan mata kucing terlindungi ketika berburu. Selain itu, benda – benda lain seperti debu tidak mengenai mata mereka, sehingga mata mereka tetap bersih dan lembab; sehingga kucing tidak perlu sering mengedipkan matanya seperti manusia. Jika kucing mengedipkan mata mereka sepanjang waktu seperti manusia agar matanya tetap bersih dan lembab, hal ini akan menimbulkan kesulitan bagi mereka di saat berburu. Tidak mengedipkan mata merupakan salah satu kesempurnaan ciptaan Allah untuk makhluk ini.

Apakah mata kucing sensitif pada gerakan
Kucing tidak dapat melihat dalam jarak dekat dengan baik sebagaimana halnya manusia dan tidak bisa focus pada objek yang dekat dengan mereka. Tetapi Allah telah menciptakan rambut sensoris dengan mekanisme sensoris yang kuat buat kucing. Berkat penciuman dan rambut sensoris, kucing dapat dengan mudah mendeteksi dalam jarak dekat. Walau makhluk indah ini sulit melihat dalam jarak dekat, mereka dapat dengan mudah merasakan dengan jarak dua sampai enam meter. Jarak ini cukup bagi kucing agar dapat berburu.

Karakteristik lain pada mata kucing adalah mereka sensitive pada gerakan, keindahan dan yang sesuai dengan jarak penglihatan mereka. Mata kucing dan otaknya memisahkan setiap gerakan bingkai demi bingkai. Otak kucing bisa merasakan lebih banyak gambar daripada kita. Sebagai contoh, mereka dapat dengan mudah melihat tanda – tanda elektronika pada layar televise di bandingkan manusia. Ini adalah bakat khusus yang di berikan oleh Allah yang Mahakuasa kepada semua kucing. Hal ini dikarenakan  kucing menangkap mangsa mereka berdasarkan objek yang bergerak.

Detail dan ragam yang mengagumkan di ciptakan Allah bagi kucing
Mata kucing di ciptakan dengan kaakteristik luar biasa seperti makhluk lainnya. Ketika struktur dan karakteristik mata di uji secara individual, maka akan di lihat fungsi yang berbeda dan ini merupakan bukti dari beragamnya hasil penciptaan Allah. Variasi ini tidak dapat di katakana sebagai hasil dari mutasi ataupun seleksi alam. Allah telah memberikan mata yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan hidup dan nutrisi makhluknya.

Memiliki pengetahuan tentang system yang menakjubkan ini merupakan kesempatan bagi setiap orang untuk melihat kekuasaan dan pengetahuan Allah yang telah menciptakan makhluknya. Kita harus berterima kasih kepada Allah yang telah menciptakan alam semesta ini. Adapun bagi orang – orang yang yang menolak ayat – Nya, Allah menjulukinya “pendusta”, seperti di dalam ayat ;

Siapakah yang lebih zhalim daripada orang – orang yang telah di peringatkan dengan ayat – ayat Tuhannya, lalu dia berpaling darinya dan melupakan apa yang telah di kerjakan oleh kedua tangannya? ( QS. Al – Kahfi 57 )

Kucing di ciptakan dalam bentuk yang ideal sesuai dengan lingkungan mereka, mereka perlu bernafas, makan, berburu dan mempertahankan diri agar tetap hidup. Oleh karena itu, mereka harus mengenal dunia mereka, dan membedakan antara musuh dan mangsa mereka. Dengan demikian, mereka memerlukan penglihatan khusus untuk melihat lingkungan mereka.

Bagaimanapun, Allah yang Mahakuasa, Tuhan dari semua dunia, telah memberikan karakteristik yang mengagumkan seperti mata yang memiliki struktur khusus, bentuk dan ketajaman penglihatan untuk kucing. Penciptaan mata yang memiliki kekhususan bagi kucing merupakan pelajaran bagi orang – orang yang beriman sebagaimana di sebutkan di dalam Al – Qur’an ;

Dan disana terdapat pelajaran bagimu…( QS. Al – Mu’miniin 21 )

Karakteristik mata kucing berfungsi sesuai dengan hukum yang di tetapkan Allah. Allah menciptakan mata ini dan setiap detilnya tanpa contoh sama sekali. Hal ini terungkap dalam ayat – ayat bahwa Allah adalah pencipta semuanya ;

Allah menciptakan semua jenis hewan dari air, maka sebagian ada yang berjalan di atas perutnya dan sebagian lagi berjalan dengan dua kaki, sedang sebagian berjalan dengan empat kaki. Allah menciptakan apa yang Dia kehendaki. Sungguh, Allah Mahakuasa atas segala sesuatu. ( QS. An – Nuur 45 )


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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Why do cats sometimes act so crazy ?

By Franny Syufy, Guide

Why do all cats, doesn't matter the breeds, all of a sudden out of nowhere run across a room, meowing like a nut, 50 miles an hour, meowing or crying again and again, darting faster and looking around all over the place then stopping?

The actions you are describing are sometimes referred to as the "night crazies," if they happen at night. My family generally calls it "going ballistic." Sometimes one of my cats will add another action to the mixture, by racing up to a corner of the room and then stopping and staring at an invisible point somewhere up on the wall. Although the reasons for these amusing actions can vary, it is difficult to pinpoint any one cause. Reasons can be:
  • Simple Zest for Life. Although this is a more common reason for kittens and younger adult cats with excess energy, I have occasionally seen senior cats going ballistic for no other apparent reason.
  • An Errant Flea Bite. Particularly when meowing is involved, a cat could simply have an itch in a place he can't reach to scratch. If you suspect fleas to be the case, time to de-flea your cat and your home.
  • Rippling Skin Disorder. Also called Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome (FHS) is a more serious cause of cats acting crazy. If the skin on your cat's back appears to be rippling while he is chasing about, or if he frequently bites at his back above the tail, suspect this cause and see your veterinarian for treatment options.

Human Foods for Cats ?: A Guide to Safe VS Toxic "Table Scraps" for Cats

By Franny Syufy, Guide

Let's face it: some cats are inveterate "bums" and will beg and plead most appealingly while you try to eat. While I will (rarely) give a cat a tidbit of chicken or turkey from my plate, it's a practice I don't encourage as a regular habit for a few reasons. First, because cats need the nutrients specifically provided for them in good, premium cat foods, and any "extras" that they consume will take away their appetites for their regular meals. A sliver of turkey or chicken from your dinner plate certainly won't kill a cat, but you're helping him develop bad habits. What happens when Aunt Phoebe comes for dinner and Simon jumps on her lap to scarf up her meal ?

However, the main reason I'd discourage feeding cats "people food" is that there are a number of foods that are toxic to cats. You may have forgotten that the gravy slathered over your Thanksgiving turkey used broth that was flavored with onion, among other things. While it is tasty and harmless to humans, onions are very toxic to cats. The following is a list of foods that cats should never eat:
Onions, Garlic, & Related Root Vegetables
Onions contain a substance (N-propyl disulphide) which destroys red blood cells in the cat, causing a form of anemia called Heinz body anemia. Garlic contains a similar substance in a lesser amount.
Green Tomatoes, Green (raw Potatoes)
These foods are members of the Solanaceae family of plants, which includes the Deadly Night shade, and contain a bitter, poisonous alkaloid called Glycoalkaloid Solanine, which can cause violent lower gastrointestinal symptoms. The leaves and stems are particularly toxic. (Tomatoes in pet foods are ripe, and should cause no concern because they appear in relatively small amounts)
Grapes and Raisins
These foods' toxicity has mainly been found in dogs, in quantities of varying amounts. The ASPCA advises: "As there are still many unknowns with the toxic potential of grapes and raisins, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center advises not giving grapes or raisins to pets in any amount." That's good enough for me.
Although milk is not toxic to cats, it may have adverse effects. Simply put, adult cats fed a nutritious diet don't need milk, and many cats are lactose-intolerant, which means that the lactose in milk and milk products produces stomach upset, cramps, and gassiness. If your cat loves milk, and begs for it, a small amount of cream may be okay, two or three times a week. (The more fat in the milk, the less lactose.) Another compromise is CatSip, a product made from skim milk with an enzyme added that helps the digestion of lactose. Catsip is available in supermarkets such as Safeway, Albertson's and A&P, as well as pet products chains, such as PetSmart and Petco.
Chocolate for cat ?
The short answer is no. Chocolate contains naturally occurring methylxanthines caffeine & theobromine. The concentration of theobromine is much higher than that of caffeine, but both cause toxicity in cats (and dogs).
Dogs are generally more susceptible than cats, no doubt because they are more likely to consume large quantities of chocolate, whereas cats are generally more finicky eaters & therefore less likely to voluntarily consume chocolate, especially in large quantities.
Different kinds of chocolate contain different levels. Cooking chocolate contains the highest levels of methylxanthines, followed by dark chocolate, milk chocolate & white chocolate.
If you suspect or know your cat (or dog) has ingested chocolate seek veterinary advice immediately.

What does methylxanthines do?

  • It acts as a diuretic, causing the body to lose fluids.
  • Cardiac stimulant; causing the heart to race.
  • Central nervous system stimulant;  
Methylxanthines cause central nervous system stimulation, diureses, cardiac muscle stimulation & smooth muscle relaxation.
What are the symptoms?
  • Vomiting & diarrhoea.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Restlessness.
  • Frequent urination & or urinary incontinence. 
These can progress to more severe symptoms including:
  • Cardiac dysfunction.
  • Muscle tremors.
  • Seizures.
  • Coma.
  • Death.
How is methylxanthine poisoning diagnosed?
How is it treated?
  • If ingestion of chocolate has been within 2 hours, your veterinarian may induce vomiting in the cat, including administering activated charcoal to prevent any further amounts of methylxanthine being absorbed.
  • Intubation & artificial ventilation.
  • Medications to control tremors & seizures.
  • Cardiac monitoring (ECG)
These are the most commonly seen "people foods" that are potentially harmful to cats. The bottom line is to feed your cat nutritious food developed with his needs in mind and choose treats designed for cats instead of table scraps.


Symptoms vary on the age of the cat (kittens are more susceptible than adults), and the quantity ingested. If enough is ingested, death can occur. The first signs of methylxanthine poisoning can include: